The Emotional Regulation Toolkit e-learning course
e-learning course
Speaker: Dr Karen Treisman
Product: e-learning course
Price: £60
CPD Hours: 3
Instructions on how to access the e-learning course will be included in a downloadable document in your booking confirmation email (under ‘Download’). The e-learning course becomes available within 24 hours from placing the order and online access remains available for 2 years from the date you receive the e-learning course.
Whether we are working with children, adults, parents or couples – an essential therapeutic goal for us is to enable and enhance the clients’ capability for emotional regulation.
All of our course times are shown for Melbourne / Sydney so check what time this course will be on in your time zone using the time zone checker.
Full Course Information
As therapists, our aim is to help them effectively identify and understand their emotions, so that they are able to process, respond to them, and express them safely in societal, familial and organizational settings. But we can face multiple challenges in this endeavour:
- Before our clients can learn to self-regulate, we need to achieve co-regulation, which is an essential precursor to emotional regulation
- We need to get through to the thinking brain with our clients – the survival brain is not designed to process emotional regulation
- Moreover, self-regulation can be arduous if they are surrounded by people who are in dysregulated states, and we need to help them navigate this environment
This seminar is aimed at providing us, as therapists, a set of creative, physical, sensory and cognitive emotional regulation practical tools that can be applied in clinical settings not just for encouraging self-regulation in clients but also for our own regulation and well-being. The toolkit that we discuss includes:
- Breathing and Calming tools and techniques – as applied to emotional regulation. Our aim here is to assist our clients to stay in the present moment, especially when they experience intense stress and anxiety, and we look at:
- Grounding techniques that use everyday objects around us
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- Self-soothing techniques using breath exercises
- Sensory techniques including creative extensions of the safe-place exercise and sensory boxes. We consider:
- How we can creatively build on and expand the safe-space
- Reconnecting with our senses and getting rid of negative imagery
- Using sensory boxes that draw attention to the here-and-now; with both children and adults
- The different approaches and tools for up-regulation and down-regulation; including:
- Making the choice between up & down regulation
- Creating a mindful acceptance of emotions
- Assisting our clients in the reframing of emotions
The seminar follows an integrationist approach – we draw on cognitive, psychoanalytical and sensorimotor domains – with the goal of effective regulation that works in the face of worry, stress, trauma, mood swings and cognitive difficulties. We consider how, as therapists, we can practice holding a receptive stance, so as to assist co-regulation and work actively at mitigating dysregulation in the client’s environment.
About the speaker
Dr Karen Treisman is a Highly Specialist Clinical Psychologist who has worked in the NHS and children’s services for several years. Karen has also worked cross-culturally in both Africa and Asia with groups ranging from former child soldiers to survivors of the Rwandan Genocide. Karen has extensive experience in the areas of trauma, parenting, and attachment, and works clinically using a range of therapeutic approaches with families, systems, and children in or on the edge of care, unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people, and adopted children. She is the director of Safe Hands and Thinking Minds training and consultancy services as well as an external consultant, trainer, and assessor to Barnardos, PAC-UK, Hope for families, Three Steps Ireland, Pause, CoramBAAF, Grandparents Plus, and the Fostering Network.
In addition to holding a doctorate in Clinical psychology, Karen has undergone a range of specialist trainings including in EMDR, Narrative Therapy, Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy, Sensory Attachment Intervention, and Theraplay. She regularly presents at local, national, and international trauma, parenting, and attachment conferences. She has also been a speaker at TedX talks. She was awarded the Winston Churchill Fellowship Award and also received the Psychologist of the Year award in 2018. Karen is the best-selling author of Working with Relational and Developmental Trauma in Children and Adolescents (Routledge, 2016); and A Therapeutic Treasure Box for Working with Children and Adolescents with Developmental Trauma (2017).

What Our Customers Say
"Such an insightful, interesting and useful workshop."
"Thank you, really informative and inspiring and affirming."
"Thank you for such an enjoyable CPD"
"Thank you and nscience for an informative and most interesting evening"
"Thank you so much for this wonderful "body seminar", that I could vividly experience as happening with in my own body and sharing this with all of you. Now I have a smile on my face expressing a pleasant feeling of being grateful and connected…thank you so much for this. Leaving the seminar with a new understanding and ideas for my patients…"
“nscience staff and technical staff were friendly, helpful, patient and efficient, and clearly responded quickly and ably to feedback. The venue was well-located and the facilities were high quality. Very good indeed.”
“The event was enjoyable and absorbing throughout, with plenty of useful and applicable learning to take away and digest.”
“Your speakers are simply the best in the field! I wish I could come to more of your programmes.”
“Excellent venue and great content - thanks to you and your team for a wonderful day.”
“I am recommending you to all my students and friends in Dublin!”
“The video recordings are a great resource. Thank you!”